
Protecting our brands 


The LYCRA Company owns some of the most recognizable brands in the world.

For over 60 years, consumers have grown to trust our high standards and view the LYCRA® brand as a symbol of garment quality.

LYCRA® fiber is that powerful ingredient inside a garment that really helps differentiate your products. Knowing that a product contains genuine LYCRA® fiber can strongly influence the buying decision, which is why we vigorously protect and defend our trademarks around the world.

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LYCRA® (莱卡®)是莱卡公司拥有的全球注册商标,这是一项的宝贵资产,我们对其进行大力保护,以避免未经授权和不当使用导致与我们品牌相关商誉受损的可能性。

Trademark Guidelines


  • 您需要申请商标许可协议 (TMLA) 才能使用 莱卡公司的文字商标、徽标、标识、图标、商业外观或其他元素,或创建您自己的定制吊牌和包装。

    • 莱卡公司的商标和标识系列只能用于从其授权工厂和制造商处购买的纤维、面料或成品服装,或者您未曾参与我们的吊牌计划

    • 请尊重我们的商标。请勿更改、动画或扭曲它们,或将它们用作您的公司名称、社交媒体帐户或名片的一部分。

    • 作为莱卡公司的客户,您只能使用与您购买的特定纤维相关的商标和标识。

LYCRA ONE™ (莱卡汇™)门户网站的服务功能处找到您需要的一切。网站注册快速且免费!

Protecting LYCRA® brand patents

Did you know that most LYCRA® brand fibers and constructions are patented or patent-pending? The LYCRA Company proactively buys and tests spandex (elastane) fabrics and garments from around the world that may infringe upon our patents. When we find infringement, we use all available legal channels to protect our investment in the research and development that created these innovative technology solutions.

For example, our Dual Core fabric patent for denim and wovens, which includes LYCRA® dualFX® technology, is only available from Dual Core authorized mills licensed by The LYCRA Company. Any garment maker, brand or retailer that wants to transform their collections with Dual Core yarns, must buy fabric from our authorized mills.

If you want to avoid purchasing counterfeit Dual Core fabric that may expose your business to legal and financial risk, choose tested and certified Dual Core fabrics that meet the LYCRA® brand’s demanding performance standards.

Contact us to learn more

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